
Human knowledge is the bedrock of our progress and innovation. From the creation of spaceships to the development of breakthrough medical therapies, our success as a species has been driven by the ability to create, share, and validate knowledge. It is unquestionably one of our most valuable assets.

Throughout history, technology has played a crucial role in shaping and disseminating knowledge. From clay tablets to today’s electronic tablets, each technological advancement has marked a new epoch for human knowledge. Currently, we find ourselves on the cusp of yet another major knowledge revolution, one poised to be as significant as—if not more so than—the invention of the printing press or the dawn of the digital age.

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a groundbreaking technology that can quickly collect and summarize knowledge from across the internet. Its influence is already evident across various domains, from educational settings to corporate boardrooms, from scientific laboratories to environmental conservation efforts in the rainforests.

Looking back at past innovations can help us understand what generative AI might do to our knowledge practices. Moreover, it raises the question of whether we can predict how this new technology might change human knowledge—for better or worse.

The Power of the Printing Press

While the printing press had a massive immediate impact on society, its full-scale effects continue to be analyzed even today. The printing press’s influence centered largely on its capability to make knowledge widely accessible to millions of people.

Although knowledge existed long before the advent of the printing press—through verbal traditions and scribal cultures—it was largely the domain of the elite. Ancient civilizations depended on scribes who manually transcribed legal codes, religious doctrines, and literary texts for kings and nobles. This made the scribes powerful gatekeepers of knowledge.

However, the printing press, specifically Johannes Gutenberg’s movable type process which made book production cheaper and less labor-intensive, democratized knowledge. This “one-to-many” speaking technology made information affordable and accessible to a broader population.

The exponential increase in knowledge dissemination is credited with sparking significant societal transformations, such as the European Renaissance and the rise of the middle classes.

Black and white drawing of people in a room using a printing press.
The printing press was invented in Germany around 1440.
Daniel Chodowiecki/Wikipedia

The Revolutionary Potential of the Digital Age

The invention of computers, coupled with the global interconnection of computers via the internet, ushered in yet another knowledge revolution. Unlike the “one-to-many” model of the printing press, the internet embodies a “many-to-many” speaking reality where people can communicate, share ideas, and learn freely from one another.

Early examples include USENET bulletin boards, which functioned as digital chatrooms that allowed unmediated, crowd-sourced information exchange. As the internet gained more users, there arose a need for content regulation and moderation. However, the internet’s role as the world’s largest open-access library endures.

A vintage, boxed-shape white computer.
Computers set in motion another knowledge revolution, providing a means for people to communicate, share ideas, and learn at an unprecedented scale.

The Promise of Generative AI

Generative AI refers to sophisticated deep-learning models that can produce human-like outputs such as text, images, video, and audio. Notable examples include ChatGPT, Dall-E, and DeepSeek.

This new technology promises to act as a personal librarian, reducing the need for us to manually search through books or even navigate through electronic sources. Trained on hundreds of billions of human words, generative AI can condense and synthesize vast amounts of information across various authors, subjects, and time periods. Any question posed to an AI assistant usually yields a competent answer, although there are instances where generative AI can “hallucinate,” providing false or unreliable information when it should ideally admit that it doesn’t know the answer.

Moreover, generative AI can personalize its outputs based on the user’s language and preferred tone. Marketed as the ultimate democratizer of knowledge, this technology adjusts information to suit a person’s interests, pace, abilities, and learning style.

However, as an increasingly dominant arbiter of our information needs, generative AI also represents a new phase in the history of the relationship between knowledge and technology. It challenges traditional concepts of human knowledge such as authorship, ownership, and veracity. Furthermore, while the printing press and the internet expanded the reach of voices and information (“one-to-many” and “many-to-many” models respectively), generative AI might instead be centralizing and homogenizing voices into a single narrative (“one”); potentially reducing the diversity of voices to a singular, possibly banal, perspective.

ChatGPT chat bot screen seen on smartphone and laptop display with Chat GPT login screen on the background.
Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT can condense and synthesize vast amounts of information, across a variety of authors, subjects, or time periods.

Using Generative AI Wisely

Most knowledge is the product of debate, contention, and challenge. It requires diligence, reflexivity, and application. Whether generative AI promotes these attributes remains an open question, and the evidence thus far is mixed.

Some studies indicate that generative AI can enhance creative thinking, while others show no such effect. Yet other studies suggest that while it may help individuals, it might simultaneously diminish our collective potential. Many educators express concern that it could stifle critical thinking.

Moreover, research on “digital amnesia” reveals that our reliance on digital devices leads us to store less information in our heads. Both individuals and organizations are becoming increasingly dependent on digital technology.

To put things in historical context, more than 2,500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Socrates emphasized that true wisdom is recognizing what we do not know. If generative AI makes us “information-rich but thinking-poor” or individually knowledgeable but collectively ignorant, Socrates’ words might be the essential reminder we need in navigating this new technological landscape.

As we stand on the brink of yet another knowledge revolution, it is crucial that we use generative AI wisely. Let us strive to retain the essence of what makes human knowledge truly valuable: the diversity of voices, the richness of debate, and the deep, ongoing quest for understanding.


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